Understanding Emotional Distress in Workplace Injury Claims

The effects of a personal injury are often far more complex than the victim expects. Beyond the broken bones and medical bills, many accident victims suffer significant emotional trauma and distress because of their injuries. Overcoming this trauma often requires counseling, time, and plenty of support.

If you’ve endured emotional trauma because of an injury, you may be entitled to compensation for your loss. Find out more about your options now by calling Weaver Tidmore at 205-989-6065.

When Are Personal Injury Claims an Option?

When you are injured at work, you can’t always file a personal injury claim. The workers’ compensation system exists to protect employers from personal injury claims while still allowing injured employees to get compensation for medical bills and partial compensation for lost wages. Part of that means that employees are not legally permitted to sue their employer, a coworker, or anyone else employed by their company.

However, many workplace accidents actually involve outside third parties. These parties are not employed by your company, so you are within your legal rights to file a claim against them. Common examples include:

  • Being hit by a car while driving between worksites or to client appointments
  • Suffering an electrical burn because of poor work done by the electrical company at a construction site
  • A customer at your workplace assaulting you because they disagree with a company policy
  • An injury caused by a defective product

Defining Emotional Distress

You may feel a multitude of emotions and feelings after being involved in a workplace accident. The term “emotional distress” encompasses all of those painful, negative emotions, including:

  • Anger
  • Fear
  • Embarrassment
  • Shame
  • Despair
  • Hopelessness
  • Anxiety
  • Worry

 These emotions can make healing nearly impossible, particularly if you live in fear of a similar incident occurring at work again. As a result, your emotional distress can actually delay or prolong your physical healing. Additionally, it can significantly decrease your quality of life.

Different Types of Emotional Distress

There are a couple different ways a third party may inflict emotional distress. First, they may intentionally cause you emotional distress. This may occur in an assault. For example, if a customer at work invades your personal space, acts in a physically threatening manner, and directly threatens you with physical harm, that is an intentional choice to inflict mental trauma on you.

If you plan on seeking compensation for the intentional act of causing of mental trauma, you will need to prove that the action was intentional, that the persons’ actions were dangerous, and that they directly resulted in your own emotional distress. In this type of claim, video evidence and eyewitness testimony of the person’s behavior can be very helpful.

In other situations, a perpetrator may unintentionally cause mental distress through neglect. While these actions are not willful, they can cause just as much damage as intentional acts of intimidation. Emotional distress caused by neglect is generally more common than distress caused intentionally.

Neglect occurs when someone has a duty of care to another person, fails to fulfill their obligation, and subsequently causes that person harm. For example, someone who unintentionally put you at risk of severe or fatal injuries would still be responsible for the emotional trauma they caused, even if you did not suffer severe or fatal injuries.

How Your Attorney Can Help

Proving emotional distress can be challenging, as it does not leave the same physical marks as a physical injury. However, your attorney can help you prove your emotional trauma and link it to the actions of the liable party. This may involve seeking out psychological care and assessment, getting information from friends and family members on changes in your behavior, and getting more information about how your injury has affected your work. From there, they can use that evidence to seek compensation from the liable party or their insurance company.

Discuss Your Options with Weaver Tidmore Today

Emotional trauma can change how you experience life and even decrease your quality of life. If someone else’s actions cause you significant emotional distress, you may be entitled to compensation. Set up a time to talk with Weaver Tidmore now by calling us at 205-980-6065 or getting in touch with us online.

The Dangers of Inhalation Injuries on Construction Sites

As a construction worker, you likely take steps to protect yourself from heavy machinery injuries, car collisions, and other accidents that put your wellbeing at risk when you’re on a job site. However, it’s equally important to protect yourself from inhalation injuries and illnesses while on a construction site. Inhalation injuries can build up slowly over time, eventually leaving you with an illness that is either fatal or significantly decreases your quality of life.

If you suspect that you’ve been injured by inhaling hazardous chemicals at work, you may be entitled to compensation. Discuss your situation in greater detail by calling Weaver Tidmore at 205-980-6065.

How Common Are Inhalation Injuries?

Unfortunately, inhalation injuries are fairly common among those working in construction, manufacturing, and other industrial settings. According to Occupational Health and Safety, almost two million American workers are at risk of silica exposure every year.

This risk is almost entirely limited to those who work in areas with high concentrations of airborne carcinogens, including construction sites. As a result, OSHA has adapted its regulations to allow lower amounts of airborne carcinogens per cubic meter of air. This forces workplaces to create safer work environments for employees, but unfortunately does little for those who have been exposed to hazardous chemicals daily for decades.

Hazardous Chemicals

In addition to silica, there are many other chemicals and chemical components that can cause serious illnesses and injuries to construction workers. Common examples include:

  • Asbestos, which is primarily found in toxic building materials found in old commercial buildings and homes
  • Solvents
  • Lead paint
  • Cement dust
  • Timber preservative chemicals
  • Welding fumes

Side Effects of Inhaling Dangerous Chemicals

The side effects of chemical inhalation often take years or even decades to show up, which can make it difficult to trace an injury or illness back to your workplace. This is because the contaminants build up slowly in your body. As you continue to expose your body to the same chemicals over and over again, the body is no longer able to filter them out. This leads to buildup, which can cause acute poisoning in various body systems.

Side effects of inhalation poisoning include permanent brain damage, damage to your nerves, unconsciousness, pulmonary toxicity, and organ failure. Your senses of sight, smell, and taste may also be lost or permanently damaged. Down the road, exposure can also lead to infertility, chronic diseases, birth defects in babies born to injured parents, and cancer.

Signs and Symptoms

To recover workers’ compensation for a workplace injury or illness, you must be able to prove that your injury occurred at work. That’s why it’s so important to be aware of your physical health and respond to any changes in your health and wellbeing. Some signs and symptoms of inhalation injuries include:

  • Changes in your breathing patterns
  • Continuous coughing or wheezing
  • A persistent dry throat
  • Tightness and pain in the chest
  • Fever
  • Chest infections
  • Swelling in the face or neck

Any changes in your health, particularly signs of respiratory trouble, should be checked out immediately by a medical professional.

Pursuing Compensation

If your inhalation injuries are due to your line of work, you may be entitled to compensation. Depending on the details of your injury, that may include workers’ compensation or a personal injury claim against the party who exposed you to those chemicals. Workers’ compensation is the most common route, and it’s also the easiest option—you do not have to prove that someone was negligent, just that your injuries occurred at work.

You may also be able to pursue a personal injury claim against another party if your injuries were caused by their negligence. This may include contractors who are not employed by your company who failed to follow safety guidelines and repeatedly put you at risk of inhaling dangerous chemicals. You may also have a claim against the manufacturer of components including hazardous chemicals if they did not properly create or package those components.

Find Out How Weaver Tidmore Can Help

Inhalation injuries can permanently affect your quality of life, so it’s important to discuss your options with an attorney as soon as possible. The team at Weaver Tidmore can help you explore your options and pursue the compensation you deserve. Get started now by calling us at 205-980-6065 or getting in touch with us online.

How Long Does It Take to Get Paid After a Personal Injury Settlement?

You’re almost at the end of your personal injury claim process, and you’re ready for the big payout. How long does it take? Depending on the circumstances of your case, you may already have been waiting weeks or months while your attorney talked to witnesses, gathered evidence, and negotiated with the insurance company. However, plan on waiting a little bit longer before you get your check.

Still considering your options after a personal injury? Find out how the team at Weaver Tidmore can help you fight for what you deserve. Call us at 205-980-6065 to schedule a consultation now.

The Process

First, know the average across all personal injury cases: most settlements finalize and are paid out within six weeks. However, it’s good to know the process in case there are any hang ups or unexpected delays.

The insurance company and your attorney must first come to an agreeable settlement. Once this is done, the paperwork is drafted. You’ll typically need to sign a waiver of liability and possibly other forms that protect the insurance company. Your attorney will need some time to review this paperwork and make sure it protects you. If the terms are fine, you’ll sign and be done. If not, further negotiations may take place.

From there, the insurance company will handle your paperwork and send a check to you and your attorney. Your attorney will typically keep it in an escrow account to keep it separate from other funds. From there, all liens must be paid and your attorney’s expenses must be paid. After that, your final settlement arrives.

Related Expenses Must Be Covered

You may be wondering about liens and other expenses that have to be paid from your settlement. Medical insurance companies and healthcare providers have the right to get paid for their services before you receive the rest of the settlement. If your health insurance paid for your expenses upfront, for example, they will want to be reimbursed from your settlement. If you received care and the doctor was waiting to bill you until your settlement arrived, they will need to be paid. Additionally, if any repair or vehicle expenses were paid for by your insurance company, they will be compensated from your final settlement check.


Attorney’s Fees and Expenses Are Paid Next

After that amount is paid, your attorney’s fees are next. Since most attorneys work on a contingency basis, they do not get paid unless they get you a settlement. Their fee is a flat percentage of whatever settlement they secure for you.

There may be additional legal expenses that must be paid for out of your settlement. This often includes investigative costs, deposition costs, fees for getting documents, expert witness fees, and court reporting fees.

Finally, You Get Paid

Once everything else has been taken out of your initial settlement check, it’s time for you to get your part. Your attorney will provide a final record of everything taken out of your settlement and provide it to you, along with your settlement payment. Make sure to check your paperwork and ensure that everything is accurate before signing and accepting it.

From start to finish, this process takes an average of six weeks. However, there are circumstances that can draw it out and leave you waiting for a little longer. Processing delays or clerical errors can leave accident victims waiting more than two months for their compensation.

If your settlement is taking far longer than expected, you can talk to your attorney about what is happening. Remember, they are there to make sure you get paid what you deserve. If the insurance company is dragging their feet, your attorney can push for expedited payment or explore other options to help you get your compensation.

As you can see, it’s a fairly long process. From initiating a personal injury claim to getting your settlement in your bank account, you could be waiting for months before you receive compensation. That’s why it’s so important to choose an experienced personal injury attorney who has navigated the complexities of this process many times before.

Choose Weaver Tidmore for Your Personal Injury Claim

The team at Weaver Tidmore is committed to helping every accident victim fight for the compensation they’re due. Let’s talk about your claim and what your next step is. Reach out online or give us a call at 205-980-6065 to learn more.

The Importance of Following Doctor’s Orders After an Accident

You’ve suffered a personal injury and gone to seek medical care. That’s a great first step. Getting checked out by a doctor is crucial, both for your physical health and for your personal injury claim against the liable party. However, you can’t stop there. It’s incredibly important to follow your doctor’s orders until you’re completely healed, and your claim is settled.

If you’re not sure what your next step is after an injury, we’re here to help. Call Weaver Tidmore at 205-980-6065 to schedule a consultation now.

Proving Your Injury

To start, you must follow your doctor’s orders to prove your injury and track its progress. There is a temptation to avoid follow-up scans or diagnostic tests, due to the cost associated with these tests. But this is the best way to track the progress of your healing and figure out what your prognosis is.

Not only is this important for your health, it is important for your accident injury claim. Insurance companies will take any opportunity to decrease the value of your claim. If you don’t have medical proof of the severity of your injury, they’ll assume it’s milder than it truly is. If you want a full and fair settlement, you will have to fight for it every step of the way.

What Happens When You Ignore Your Doctor’s Advice

From there, you might feel an urge to ignore or stray from your doctor’s advice. This can seriously hinder your personal injury claim, not to mention your actual physical health.

To start, the insurance company responsible for paying out your claim will get their information about your injury from the doctor. If the doctor says that you should be on bedrest and the insurance company catches you out grocery shopping, they’ll assume you are faking your injury.

Not convinced that the insurance company will find out? They may not, but they probably will. In many personal injury cases, especially high-value ones, the insurance company will hire a personal investigator to check out the victim’s actions.

If the victim is asking for full income replacement but is still reporting to work, the insurance company will find out. If the victim is supposed to be on bedrest but is training for a marathon, the insurance company will find out.

If you stick to what your doctor says, it will be better for your claim all around. You might feel healthy enough to take on extra challenges, but don’t be afraid to take the extra rest. Work, home obligations, and your hobbies will still be there once you’re healed.

What If the Insurance Company Suspects Fraud?

The insurance company will generally engage in two levels of investigation. First, they may do a quick background check on you as a victim. This is just a cursory glance at who you are and whether or not your history and online presence raise any red flags.

If they find anything that makes them suspicious, they may start a more in-depth investigation. This might involve following you, as they are looking for anything that suggests you are falsifying your insurance claim. They might want to find out if you are going to work while requesting compensation for missed work, if you are grocery shopping and lifting heavy items, or if you are playing sports. Anything that directly contradicts your accident report could be used to cast doubt on your reliability and deny you compensation.

Putting Your Health First

Above all, you have to consider your health. Like many people, your urge to move faster than recommended might be motivated by finances and a desire to get back to “normal”.

Spending time away from work can be financially devastating, which leads many victims to return to work before they’re ready. But going this route could actually hurt your ability to work. Failing to let your injuries heal completely could make them worse and keep them from healing fully. As a result, you could be left with lingering injuries that impact your ability to work long-term.

No matter what, you want to maximize your quality of life and stay healthy as long as you can. Giving your injuries time to heal fully is the best way to do that. Taking the extra time that you need to heal allows you to heal completely, get back to work with your full strength, and take care of your family.

It just so happens that doing what’s best for your health also means doing what’s best for your injury claim. Sticking with your doctor and following their advice from start to finish makes it hard for the insurance company to poke holes in your claim and deny you fair compensation.

Discuss Your Claim with Weaver Tidmore Today

The team at Weaver Tidmore has handled a wide variety of personal injury claims, and we know how insurance companies fight to devalue your claim. We’re on your side every step of the way. Whether you’ve been injured in a car crash, a fall, or another type of accident, reach out to us today. Give us a call at 205-980-6065 or get in touch with us online to take the first step.

Common Causes of On-the-Job Neck Injuries

Neck injuries are among the most common injuries that are suffered by workers in the United States. Even minor neck injuries can limit your mobility, leaving you unable to drive, perform self-care tasks, or engage in work activities. Neck injuries often cause chronic pain, so victims spend the rest of their lives trying to manage pain through medication and limiting activities.

Learn more about common workplace neck injuries, and for more assistance with your workers’ compensation or accident injury claim, call Weaver Tidmore at 205-980-6065.

Car Accidents

Car accidents are among the most common causes of neck injuries overall, a trend that carries through in workplace injury causes. People who drive for work or as part of their work are always at risk, thanks to unsafe roadways and inattentive drivers. This type of injury can impact employees across a variety of industries, including:

  • Delivery drivers in retail and food service settings
  • Social workers and therapists who travel to see clients
  • Travel nurses and CNAs who travel to different cities or between clients’ homes
  • Business professionals who travel for work or between client sites
  • Courier drivers

Injuries vary in severity, depending on the type of accident you’re in and the speed both parties were traveling. For example, a rear-end accident could leave you with a minor case of whiplash or a concussion. A head-on crash could cause serious damage to the neck and leave you completely immobilized.


Falls and “almost falls” can also leave victims with painful neck injuries. Even if a victim doesn’t actually fall, the muscle strain that goes into preventing a fall can leave you with muscle pain. These types of injuries are reported across almost every industry and workplace. However, these accidents can be fatal and severe in some settings, such as construction zones.

A fall from scaffolding could leave a victim paralyzed. They may be caused by liquid spills, unstable stairwells, poorly maintained stairs, slippery or icy walkways, or unexpected obstacles. Vertebral fractures, whiplash, and similar injuries can happen during falls. This is why many workplaces require employees to wear slip-proof footwear and abide by strict safety protocols.

Poor Training

Poor training is a root cause of many neck injuries. Most jobs include some type of lifting, whether it’s the occasional box of products or constant loading and lifting. Lifting is one activity commonly linked to neck injuries. In many cases, these injuries could be prevented with proper training. Employees are supposed to receive thorough training to minimize their risk of injuries, but some workplaces skimp on training because of time or personnel shortages.

Repetitive Motions that Cause Stress Injuries

These injuries, rather than being caused by one wrong movement or accident, build up over time as you repeat the same work tasks over and over. The constant strain being put on your neck causes chronic neck pain and stiffness. These injuries may be reported by those who spend a lot of time sitting at a desk, sitting behind the wheel of a car, standing at a register, or lifting items in the same way over and over.

Getting the Compensation You Deserve After a Neck Injury

No matter which type of neck injury you’ve suffered or when it started, it’s important to pursue the compensation you deserve after a workplace accident. It can be difficult to get compensation for chronic neck pain, since you may struggle to prove that it was caused by work or that it started at work.

If you have a workers’ compensation claim that gets denied, don’t panic. Some companies refuse claims that should be paid out, simply because there is not enough evidence presented or they think your injury may have occurred outside of work. Enlisting the help of a workers’ compensation attorney can help you protect your rights, strengthen your claim, and get the compensation you deserve.

If your workplace injury was caused by a third party, you may also be able to file a personal injury claim against the liable party. For example, if you are driving between work sites when you get in a car accident with a negligent driver, you might have a claim against the other driver.

Reach Out to Weaver Tidmore Now to Talk About Your Claim

Not sure how to recover compensation after an on-the-job injury? Let our team of experienced attorneys guide you through this process. Set up a consultation now by calling us at 205-980-6065 or getting in touch with us online.

Determining Fault in a Multi-Vehicle Accident

It is not uncommon for traffic accidents involving multiple vehicles to cause injuries. Only one driver may be responsible for a multi-vehicle crash, or more than one motorist could have contributed to a collision. Sometimes, multiple motorists may be found to be at fault. In other cases, only one or two drivers may be held accountable for the accident.

There are various causes of multiple-vehicle traffic accidents. Adverse weather conditions can impact a motorist’s visibility. Sometimes bad road conditions or a distracted driver can cause an accident and create a pileup.

If you aren’t sure how your insurer determined responsibility in your multiple car crash, you should speak to an Alabama auto accident attorney to help establish fault. Serious injuries and damage can result from a multiple car accident, and you will want to receive just compensation for your losses.

It can be complex to determine fault, particularly when multiple vehicles are involved in a crash. You will require strong evidence to prove responsibility in a multiple automobile accident. Thus, you will need an experienced, skilled, and committed lawyer by your side.

Multiple Defendants

Each party involved in a personal injury case involving multiple vehicles can be assigned a percentage of responsibility. Often, this necessitates that the injured party brings a personal injury action against multiple parties. For instance, if you sustained injuries in a crash for which one motorist was found to be 30 percent at fault and another motorist was determined to be 70 percent at fault, you may need to file a case against each of the other two drivers.

Assigning Fault in a Multiple Vehicle Car Crash

A multi-vehicle crash’s responsibility will likely fall on the driver who failed to uphold the duty of care to ensure surrounding drivers remain safe, causing a pileup. The driver liable for initiating a domino effect may be obvious, but this is not always the case. The circumstances of every multiple car collision are unique. Therefore, investigators will likely need to undertake a comprehensive breakdown of what occurred to provide a fair decision to all affected parties.

In multi-car accidents, the drivers involved in the collision may point fingers at the individual they blame for starting the crash but not admit to any fault on their part. Witnesses and other motorists might believe that the driver who started the chain reaction is responsible for the entire accident. However, this may not be true. It is rarely that straightforward to determine responsibility in massive multiple vehicle collisions.

The Presence of Witnesses

In such cases, witnesses who were not a part of the accident are vital. Generally, they are impartial observers who will likely base their testimony on exactly what they witnessed. Motorists involved in the crash have a vested interest in refusing to accept responsibility. They may think that the driver who started the accident is to blame for everything that occurred due to their recklessness. It is certainly possible that multiple motorists were not at fault in a multi-vehicle crash.

When several witnesses validate each other, this strengthens a case that might otherwise be challenging to work through. Getting bystanders involved after a multiple car accident is imperative. Note down their names and contact details, as witnesses can provide important information on the accident.

It is absolutely essential to call law enforcement to the site to file an accident report, which will include vital details for assigning fault later. Police will assess the facts as well as take photos and review camera footage (if available). In all likelihood, the police report will contain a plethora of evidence to review that could determine blame in a multiple vehicle car crash.

Factors to Consider When Establishing Fault

Various factors determine the calculation of liabilities of involved parties in a multi-vehicle car crash, including:

  • Were any of the motorists driving above the posted speed limit?
  • Did all of the motorists have functioning brake lights or other indicators?
  • Were any of the motorists tailing too closely, as dictated by state-recommended motorist safety regulations?
  • Did any of the motorists engage in distracted driving behaviors, such as texting?
  • Was their appropriate signage on the road to indicate an abrupt stop or reduction in speed?
  • Were there any obstacles, such as debris, on the road that caused a car to suddenly halt?

Legal Help from Skilled Auto Accident Lawyers in Alabama

If you or someone you love has sustained injuries in a multi-vehicle crash, it is best to seek help from a skilled and knowledgeable car accident attorney. At Weaver Tidmore, our attorneys have in-depth experience handling all kinds of vehicle accident claims. We will help you navigate the claims process, negotiate, and correspond with all relevant insurers to ensure that you recover the rightful compensation that you deserve. For a free consultation and case assessment with one of our attorneys, call today at 205-980-6065.

Delayed Injuries from a Car Accident

A bad car accident can damage nearly every part of your body, which makes it difficult to watch out for symptoms. This gets even more challenging when you consider the fact that some injuries take hours or days to show up.

Have you been injured in a car accident caused by someone else’s mistake? If so, you may be entitled to compensation for your losses. Learn more now by calling Weaver Tidmore at 205-980-6065.


This symptom is tricky because so many of us get headaches a few times per week. How is an accident victim supposed to know that the headache they experience a few days after an accident is the sign of a traumatic brain injury? If you start experiencing a headache after a car crash, always take it seriously and assume the worst. Do not talk yourself into believing that it’s just from the stress of the collision. It could be a sign of a concussion or blood clot, and so it warrants immediate attention.

Back Pain

Back pain is extremely common after a car crash, so it’s difficult to know when it’s a sign of a more serious injury. However, back pain could indicate whiplash, spinal injuries, herniated discs, or muscle sprains. When the pain starts, try to gather as much information as you can. Is it localized or does it spread across your whole back? Is it an intense stabbing pain or is it a dull ache? Give that information to your doctor to find out what tests you need and how you can move forward with treatment.

Neck and Shoulder Pain

Whiplash commonly occurs after a car crash. The neck endures enormous pressure when you fly forward and then snap back during a collision. Due to the adrenaline rush that happens in an accident, you may not notice neck and shoulder pain immediately. Once it sets in, you should make it a priority to seek medical care right away. Whiplash can affect every part of your neck and even extend down into your shoulders.

On a side note, this injury shows how important it is to get medical care even if you are feeling fine after an accident. Whiplash can often be detected by doctors before pain sets in, allowing you to manage the pain early and seek treatment right away.

Unexpected Behavior or Speech Patterns

Traumatic brain injuries cover a wide range of diagnoses and outcomes after a car collision. As a result, they cause a huge variety of symptoms. Watch out for symptoms like:

  • Irritability
  • Mood swings
  • Inappropriate laughter or crying
  • Inability to control what you say
  • Inability to control emotions
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Difficulty seeing
  • Spots in the corner of your field of vision

Much like a headache, people often attribute these symptoms to the stress of the crash. However, they can actually be physical symptoms of a serious TBI. Rather than assuming that you’re just angry about your totaled car when you lash out at a loved one, stop and think about if it’s a sign of something more serious. The outcome of a TBI depends largely on how quickly the issue is detected and how much you stick to your treatment protocol, so early detection is key.

Numbness and Tingling

If your spinal column is damaged in a car neck, you might actually experience this symptom before you notice pain in the neck or back. If a damaged nerve cuts off the sensation to your arms, legs, hands, or feet, you’ll notice uncomfortable numbness and tingling.

Deep Bruising

If you suddenly develop deep bruising on the abdomen, dizziness, or fainting spells after a crash, seek emergency medical care immediately. These may be signs of internal bleeding. The longer an internal bleed goes without treatment, the more likely it is to be fatal. Even if you think you are overreacting, it is far better to be safe than sorry.

Turn to Weaver Tidmore for Help with Your Injury Claim

A car accident can cause enormous stress, financial difficulties, and mental trauma. Don’t try to fight for compensation alone when Weaver Tidmore will fight on your behalf. Schedule a consultation with our team now by calling us at 205-980-6065 or filling out our online contact form.

Are You Required to Provide a Recorded Statement to an Insurance Company?

Depending on what your car accident was like, you might be surprised by how quickly things can move. Rather than waiting weeks or months to find out if you’ll get compensation, you may actually get contacted by the liable party’s insurance company days after your crash. That’s a good thing, right?

Actually, it might not be. What you say to an insurance adjuster can hurt your claim and leave you without the compensation you deserve. Learn more about how to protect your legal rights after an auto accident by calling Weaver Tidmore at 205-980-6065.

Why Adjusters Want Your Statement

Insurance adjusters want a statement because they want to know what happened, and the best way to do that is to get information from both sides and any witnesses. On its own, that’s pretty innocent and makes a strong case for giving a statement. Unfortunately, it doesn’t stop with getting the truth.

Even if your statement shows that the other party was liable and should be held liable for the damage they caused, the insurance company might still find a way to use the recorded statement against you. Every single thing you say can be picked apart and used to show that you might be partially liable for the crash, lying about the extent of your injuries, or trying to defraud the company.

Consider the generic greeting, “Hi! How are you today?” You answer “I’m fine, thank you,” because that’s the polite response. This could get twisted into, “The victim stated they were fine, so their ‘serious injuries’ are a little suspicious.” This is an extreme example, but you get the point.

What the Law Says About This

The law does not say anything about providing recorded statements to insurance companies. That is, you are under no legal obligation to provide a statement, no matter how disgruntled or pushy the insurance company representative may get.

Why Attorneys Do Not Recommend Giving Recorded Statements

To add on to that, attorneys almost never recommend giving a recorded statement without consulting them first. Consider it similar to talking to the police about an alleged crime without a lawyer present.

No matter how innocent you are, the words you say on the record can only hurt you. They will never be used to help you. Knowing that, there is no good reason to give a recorded statement without the assistance of your attorney.

Instead, you should talk to your attorney about what your obligations are and what steps are best for your case. Generally, your lawyer will take over communication with the other party’s insurance company. This prevents you from saying anything that could damage your claim. If you do end up giving a statement to the insurer, do so only under the advice and guidance of your lawyer.

When Your Own Insurance Company Requests a Statement

The situation is a bit different when it comes to your own insurance company. They are supposed to be on your side and should represent your best interests. On top of that, the policy paperwork you agreed to when you signed up with them likely has a clause requiring you to cooperate with them when you have a claim. Because of this, refusing to provide a statement can lead to cancellation of your policy and refusal to pay out open claims.

It is unlikely, though, that your own insurance company will want a recorded statement. Whether you give them one or not, you should still speak to your lawyer first. They can help you know what details to include, how to phrase things accurately, and how to avoid hurting your claim.

Find Out How Weaver Tidmore Can Help with Your Personal Injury Claim

When a car accident turns your life upside down, there is a never ending list of things to do. From contacting your insurance company to hiring an attorney and getting your car repaired, being an accident victim can almost become a part-time job. With the right legal team on your side, you can spend less time worrying about your collision and more time healing and getting back to normal.

The team at Weaver Tidmore is here to support you during this difficult time and fight for the compensation you deserve. Schedule a consultation now by contacting us online or calling us at 205-980-6065.

Keeping Your Teen Safe Behind the Wheel

No one knows anxiety like a parent whose teenager has just started driving alone. However, you don’t have to resign yourself to constant worry and GPS checking. By setting your teen up for success and encouraging safe driving habits, you can give yourself a little peace of mind while helping your teenager learn the skills that they need to become independent.

At Weaver Tidmore LLC, we know accidents happen and we’re here to help when they do. For help with your personal injury case, call Weaver Tidmore LLC at 205-980-6065.

Set Up an Insurance Meeting

Insurance agents know well the risks of teenage driving, and they are often good at communicating these risks to teenagers in a frank and practical way. Have your insurance agent talk to your teenager about accidents they’ve investigated involving teen drivers, lay out the financial costs of an accident, and explain how unsafe driving will impact their insurance rates and finances in the future. While teens may not grasp the danger of an accident, since teenagers are known to feel invincible, they may think twice if they know they will be on the hook for a high deductible if they cause an accident.

Make Sure You’re a Good Example

Kids learn best through what they experience, not what they are told. If you tell them to drive safely but spend every drive applying makeup and replying to text messages, you’re telling them that it’s okay to skirt the rules as long as you don’t actually get in an accident. Make sure the example you’re setting lines up with what you actually want them to learn from you.

Use Technology to Your Benefit

Technology is a major distraction for new drivers, especially for teens who like to stay connected at all times. But there’s also an upside to technology. You can use it to learn more about your teen’s driving habits, make sure they aren’t going places they shouldn’t be, and even help them develop safe driving skills.

Many insurance companies have a plan feature that lets you track speed, braking habits, and more. Note, though, that this information is also used to determine how much your plan costs, so it may not be a good option if your teen is prone to risky behavior. There are non-insurance options as well. Some text you if the car exceeds a certain speed, goes outside set parameters, or otherwise engages in unexpected behavior.

You can also help your teenager lay the groundwork for safe driving by setting up limits on their phone. Some phones have a feature that automatically puts them into “do not disturb” mode when they are in a car, and others lock access to everything but emergency calls when they are moving at a certain speed.

Don’t Rely Too Much on Your Teen for Assistance

A lot of parents find themselves struggling to enforce the rules when their teenager is driving unsafely or consistently pushing the limits. This is because they see a driving teen as a way to get more done.

If you rely on your new driver to take younger kids to school every day, run younger kids to activities, or pick up groceries, you are at a serious disadvantage if they break the rules and you are forced to take away their car. Some parents in this situation turn a blind eye to the teen’s behavior, knowing that they can’t afford to find a new way to get younger kids to school or activities.

While you can ask teens to handle tasks like school drop-off, do not make them your only option. You need the freedom to enforce rules when you need to. Make sure that you have alternative solutions if your teen is suddenly unable to drive.

Having a teen driver is challenging, but it is also a great chance to bond with your child, help them prepare for adulthood, and set clear expectations. The work you put in now will benefit your new driver for the rest of their life.

Turn to Weaver Tidmore LLC for Help with Your Personal Injury Claim

Have you been involved in a car accident that wasn’t your fault? We’ve been there and we know how stressful it can be. Instead of fighting for compensation on your own, let our team help. Set up a consultation with Weaver Tidmore LLC now by calling us at 205-980-6065 or contacting us online.

Safe Driving Tips for the Holiday Season

The holidays mark some of the busiest days that American roadways see each year. On top of that, many parts of the country see ice, snow, and other weather conditions that make driving hazardous. For these and other reasons, it is crucial to plan for a safe drive if you are planning to hit the road to visit loved ones.

If the worst happens and you are involved in an accident, make sure you know your rights. Call Weaver Tidmore LLC at 205-980-6065 to discuss the possibility of an accident injury claim.

Create a Comprehensive Plan

Don’t wait until the morning of your drive to know which routes you are taking and who will be in each car. Review the fastest route for your trip, divide people into vehicles if you’re traveling in a large group, and know exactly when you plan on leaving and when you hope to arrive. The day before you leave, make sure all fluids are properly refilled and you have a full gas tank.

Avoid Fatigued Driving

Driving while tired is the default option for many people, particularly parents. However, it is crucial to avoid this trap while driving during the holidays. This is one of the busiest times of the year and being fatigued puts you at significantly higher risk of an accident. In fact, some research indicates that driving while extremely fatigued is as dangerous as driving while chemically impaired.

While planning out your time to leave and your breaks, make sure you can fit in a solid night of sleep before you leave. If there are long stretches on the road, consider switching drivers partway through to ensure that each driver gets the breaks they need.

Review Defensive Driving Tactics

No matter how long you have been driving, it is never a bad time for a review of defensive driving techniques. In fact, if you have been driving a long time, a review may be overdue. Make sure you know the appropriate following distance, which precautions to take on snowy roads, and how to avoid blind spot crashes.

Limit Distractions

Distracted driving is perhaps one of the biggest threats to drivers and passengers these days. To minimize the temptation of your phone while driving, make sure you have a long playlist of music or podcasts to keep you entertained. You can also check out audiobooks from your library. Ensure that your GPS directions are geared up and ready to go so you do not need to fiddle with your phone as you drive.

Furthermore, keep others in your vehicle from becoming a major distraction. If you are traveling with young children, keep snacks and drinks easily accessible. Make sure that they have plenty of activities, books, and toys to keep them from whining and taking your attention off the road.

Check Your Route for Convenient Stops

Frequent bathroom and meal breaks are key to a successful holiday road trip. Check your route for convenient pit stops, whether it’s your family’s favorite fast food restaurant or a reliable gas station chain. If you are switching drivers throughout the trip, as recommended above, make sure your stops are spaced appropriately to allow for necessary breaks.

Section Your Trip into Multiple Days if Necessary

When it comes to holiday trips, many people are of the mindset that you should get the driving portion over as quickly as possible. This might mean driving straight through the night to reach your destination or limiting breaks. While this may help you reach your destination a bit earlier, it can also make driving much more dangerous.

If you have an exceptionally long drive ahead of you, don’t be afraid to split your drive into multiple days and stop at a hotel halfway during your trip. Yes, it may cost you a bit of time, but it can also help you reach your destination safely.

Get in Touch with Weaver Tidmore LLC to Discuss Your Personal Injury Case

Accidents happen, and if you’ve been injured in one caused by someone else’s negligence, you could be entitled to compensation. If you want to find out if you have a strong personal injury case, we’re here to help. Call Weaver Tidmore LLC at 205-980-6065 or contact us online to get started.